For Social Entrepreneurs

You have a dream of doing good for the people and environment around you – and you have identified an excellent opportunity to do so, while you believe there is also money to be made along the way. Your reward may be partially financial, but your real driver is to improve people’s lives and/or improve the environment and nature around us. Because you want to dedicate your professional time, skills and efforts to a worthwhile purpose, while you also recognize that you need to make a living – and others around with you. You have the local contacts and knowledge, but limited or no access to potential partners or customers outside your direct surroundings.


To make your dream become reality, you need capital – more than you have access to now. You also wish to have a business partner who helps you strategize and enhance your business model and plan, helps you focus on the right priorities, keeps you sharp in staying on track towards reaching your goals and helps to prevent you from making mistakes that many other entrepreneurs have made before you. Someone who helps you build your key team, opens doors to potential partnerships and business development opportunities and is there for you over a period of multiple years, as a sounding board when you encounter difficulties or need to re-strategize on your plans.


If this is the case, Go Responsible Investments may well be the capital-provider and business partner you are looking for – as we offer all of the above.  Building on many years of “traditional” for-profit industry and venture capital experience, as well as our extensive network, we work according to venture capital-like principles, adjusted to fit the social impact investing environment. This means we aim for a combination of social, environmental and financial returns. We provide capital and access to further financial means, offer you our network and support you through active participation on your Board, while you and your team of course remain in charge of the daily operations of your company. Valuing people and the environment is at the core of what we do. We share your drive and ambition to improve people’s lives and/or the environment around us, while making a living and preserving the wealth and generate a sustainable profit for our investors.


If you are interested to consider a partnership with us, please contact us using the contact form. 

Doing Good and Doing Well

We share your drive and ambition to improve people's lives and the environment while making a living and preserving wealth with a sustainable profit for our investors.


Capital, Contacts & Support

We are there to support you over a period of multiple years, providing capital, our network and active Board participation.


© 2012 Go Responsible Investments