For Investors

You wish to invest in social ventures and are willing to commit for a longer period of time than traditional private equity or venture capital. It is important for you to see the direct benefits of your investment, which must serve a social and/or environmental purpose - whereby you aim to preserve your wealth and make some financial profit. You may be interested to become directly involved with selective investees or require specific reporting of achieved results, either for your own personal interest or for profiling of your organization. You are seeking an experienced fund manager who shares your values and desire to improve people's lives while being realistic about people's needs for financial means and generating profit to sustain themselves and their families.


If this is the case, Go Responsible Investments may well be the right partner for you. The tools we use with our investees are debt, equity, grants or a combination thereof.  With each investment, we carefully select the tools to best match the business model and nature of the activity. In doing so, we welcome collaboration with other investors or organizations and pooling of capital to improve the chances of success and leverage your investment.


In addition to capital, we provide support to our investees by helping them to enhance their business model, strategy and plan, building the organization's key management, sharpening the organization’s focus and opening doors to potential partnerships and business development opportunities. Thereby we build on many years of “traditional” for-profit industry and venture capital experience as well as our extensive network. Through active Board participation and constructive criticism we strive to act as a sounding board, being there for the entrepreneur to support and help develop his or her activities to become successful over the mid-to long term.


When investing, we agree upon a set of measurable targets for the investee organization to achieve, based on industry-standard methodologies. We monitor their progress and review their targets over time. Portfolio results are reported to you as an investor periodically and in a transparent manner, so that you know what results are achieved with the capital you have invested. If desired and upon your request, further involvement with an investee organization can be agreed. Target results are a combination of social, environmental and financial returns.


If you are interested to consider investing with us, please contact us using the contact form. 

Blended Value Creation

Target results are a combination of social, environmental and financial returns.


Progress Reporting

We value transparency and implement regular progress reporting to our investors.


© 2012 Go Responsible Investments